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Child authors creating stories for their peers!


This summer, NyreePress Literary Group is launching a new children’s book division titled “Young Bugs Books.” Young Bugs will publish books that are written by child authors. Children have the most creative minds. They think outside of the box and often color outside the lines. There’s no limit to their imaginations, and they can inspire their own peers in a positive way. We are looking for children writers who have a passion for creative writing, and who are excited about reaching other children with their great stories!



Our child authors will gain the full experience of being a published author. Their books will have distribution with one of the largest book distributors and they will have mentorship throughout the entire process. We will schedule story-book readings, book signings and work closely to nurture the gift of writing they were born with. If your child loves to write stories, this is a great opportunity to have their work enjoyed by children all over the world!



Submissions open August 2014.

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