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Community Service














Since 2013, Bug Love Books has published several creative, fun and inspiring children’s books. “Our mission is to share exciting stories that all children will love and cherish, and to promote literacy in a way that will get young writers involved,” adds Hill. “Writing and publishing a book is a giant achievement. Why not allow children to obtain such success at a young age?”


Each child author selected will have their book published under a new division of NyreePress Literary Group named “Young Bugs.” They will have one-on-one mentorship, be included in the process to create illustrations for their book and enjoy the experience of being a young author! 


“We have a great plan created for them that includes book signings and story readings where they can share their books with other young children. It’s a special event that we are very excited about!”









Click below to open our registration form









FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Bug Love Books is partnering with Chick-fil-A restaurants to promote literacy in the Dallas- Fort Worth community. Starting June 5th, students entering 2nd-4th grade will be able to submit their creative stories to participating Chick-fil-A locations. Each child participating will receive a free tasty treat, and one winner will receive a full publishing contract from Bug Love Books that will include full distribution with Ingram Book Company, beautiful full page illustrations that will be drawn by professional cartoonist Jamie Cosley, writing mentorship and much more.


“When I was a young girl, I loved using my imagination and creating stories. I wrote stories using markers and construction paper, and I stapled the spine to make an actual book,” says Kennisha Hill, CEO of Bug Love Books. “This sparked my love for writing, and helped me through school. I believe this writing event will do the same for many more young children. Our goal is to give our children an opportunity to become a young published author, while nurturing their natural gifts. It’s a great way to share a positive impact with the community and reach the next generation.”



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